Are you an Athlete and have suffered Groin Pain?

Groin injuries are very common in sports such as soccer, rugby, cricket and basketball. In soccer alone, there are 6-7 groin injuries per club per season according to data from Union of European Football Associations (UEFA).

Current evidence shows that 58% of groin injuries occur on the dominant side while 26% occur on the non-dominant side of the injured player. To add further insult to injury - no pun intended) - evidence has found that groin injuries result in a loss of 10 days of sport/activity on average (this includes training and games) per groin injury.

So how do we manage groin injuries? Short term options supported by current evidence includes wearing compression shorts during activity and manual therapy (massage, dry needling).

However, groin injuries have a 25% recurrence rate. Therefore, strengthening the adductor/groin muscles is most important to prevent this from occurring. This can be achieved through completion of resistance-based exercise and sport specific skills, helping the player return to sport.