Did you know that 4.8 Million women in Australia experience bladder or bowel control problems?

That's nearly 40% of the female population in Australia.  We understand that working up the courage to seek professional help about incontinence can be difficult. 


Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists with a Women’s Health background understand that these symptoms can be embarrassing and difficult to talk about.  They are accustomed to discussing these issues and will try to put you at ease in a private one on one environment.  All of the discussions you have with your Therapist will of course remain confidential.  In some cases, your Therapist will need to communicate with other health professionals  to deliver you the best care possible, such as your GP, Gynaecologist, Urologist or Obstetrician, but they will ask your permission first.  

In your first appointment, your Women’s Health Physiotherapist will find out as much as they can about what you are experiencing. They may run through with you a series of questions exploring your bladder, bowel, prolapse and sexual symptoms or concerns. They may ask you to fill out a bladder diary which involves recording your fluid intake and output over 48hrs. They will also explore your medical and or obstetric history to put the pieces of the puzzle together.  If you have had longer term bladder, bowel, sexual or prolapse issues it is important to share with your therapist what you have done to manage it in the past, and what did or did not work.  

It is important for the therapist to investigate the relationship between all these factors and the impact they have on your bladder, bowel, prolapse and or sexual concerns and symptoms. This is so a holistic and thorough management approach and treatment plan can be devised to suit you and your needs.