Have you recently been injured playing sport? Do you know the benefits of sports massage?

Whether you’re representing your country or state, playing a club sport, or run, cycle, walk, or hit the gym for fun, sports massage can benefit elite athletes and exercise enthusiasts a-like.

Small tears occur and scar tissue begins to build when muscles become overused, are always in a repetitive motion, or even from poor technique. Sports massage works to relive these areas and sports-related injuries or niggles.

When receiving a sports massage, the Remedial Massage Therapist will generally have knowledge of the sport or activity the client engages in and work the areas necessary to help client get the best benefit from treatment. These treatments will commonly consist of soft and deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, positional release and cross- fibre techniques.

Sports massage has a huge number of benefits, and can also give you that extra boost you might be looking for with your training, including;

  • Increase flexibility and range of motion.
  • Increase blood flow and circulation, helping to aid in the recovery process.
  • Decrease muscle tension and/or pain from training or competition.
  • Decrease muscle spasms.
  • Help prevent or decrease the lingering of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).
  • Better sleep.
  • Help treat or prevent some injuries.

This modality of work is broken up into 4 types: pre-event, post-event, maintenance, and rehabilitation.

If you’re wanting to take your training to the next level, consider incorporating sports massage into your regime.