Is Exercise for Health and Wellbeing really worth it?

Currently, global estimates show 25% of adults and a whopping 81% of adolescents do not complete enough physical activity. Due to technology development, work and recreation trends, and sedentary behaviour we are seeing this estimate grow each year.

So, why do we need to be more active? What is all the fuss?

Regular physical activity has been shown to:

-              Reduce risk, or assist with management of Type II and Cardiovascular Disease

-              Maintain or improve blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar  levels

-              Reduce the risk of some cancers

-              Maintain muscle strength and bone health

-              Reduce risk of falls

-              Assist with weight management

-              Boosts energy levels and reduces fatigue over time

-              Assists with stress management

-              Improves mood and can assist with mental health management

And this isn’t even everything!

If you think you may benefit from any one or more of the above, then you should aim to be regularly physically active.

If you are unsure how best to do this or may be struggling with an injury or chronic condition, then speak with one of our Allied Health professionals to discuss your options and get moving!