What is Dry Needling?

You might have heard of ‘dry needling’ before – potentially from your friend, sibling, partner, etc. But what is dry needling and what is actually involved?

Well, dry needling is another form of treatment physiotherapists can provide to patients (provided they are suitable) just like massage or joint mobilisations.

Dry needling is used to treat muscular pain, specifically targeting tender points, AKA ‘trigger points’, to reduced muscular tightness and pain. As a result, it may provide pain relief and increase muscle length. It involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin and subcutaneous tissues immediately over trigger/tender points of muscles.

Physiotherapists require additional specialised training to be able to perform dry needling on patients, so not everyone can just do it.

It does not necessarily feel like a ‘needle-like’ pain, it is more of a dull/heavy sensation as the needle goes into the trigger point. Twitches may also be felt in the muscle upon insertion, this may correspond with any sore/tender spots. Patients may feel a relaxation effect following treatment, but sometimes they may feel sore after treatment. Typically, maximum benefit is felt 24-72hrs after treatment.